Grow Your Business In 5 Days

- Video Training Course - Video #12


Dedicate ‘Time’ & ‘Expertise’ To Grow Your Business

Hello and welcome to ‘Grow Your Business In 5 Days’.

In this final instalment we’re going to talk about what is arguably the single most important section of the course and that is, dedicating the required time and expertise you need to ensure your business steadily builds month after month.

We’ve covered a lot of ground during the course… Part 1 focused on why businesses stop growing. Parts 2 to 4 detailed how to maximise sales and profits from what we call your ‘Acres Of Diamonds’ more commonly known as your customers, clients or patients. This is the most lucrative part of any business. Parts 5 to 9 focused on how to generate a constant stream of enquiries. And parts 10 and 11 detailed how to convert a high percentage of those enquiries into good quality clients, customers or patients.

Now let’s finish by focusing on the importance of you dedicating time and expertise to grow your business. I’ll then as promised explain how you can benefit from joining the BGS Vault. (Note that as a client of the firm you can have immediate and free access to the Business Growth System Vault).

As you progressed through this course, you’ll have realised that unfortunately, it takes time, effort and expertise to get good and consistent results. I appreciate time, knowledge and expertise in marketing are resources which most business owners are not blessed with, but if you dedicate the time to implementing, learning, testing and generally becoming an expert in sales and marketing you can achieve results.

The question is this... Do you have the time and expertise to do it YOURSELF?

If the answer is ‘Yes’ and you want to go through the process of trial and error, I genuinely wish you great success. You’ll deserve it. I’ve given you 11 proven strategies that will be a big help. However, if you’re like most business owners we meet, you’re so busy working in the business that the growth of your business, although important to you, often takes a back seat. Often this is because of the fact that you’re involved not just in marketing but also process and management. We discussed this way back in tutorial one.

Sure, things get done intermittently but you’re constantly fire-fighting to keep things on track. It’s just not that easy. Does that sound familiar? Well, there is a better, proven and easier way.

You can take the short cut to success. You can join the BGS Vault and immediately start to see results. (just contact our office for an access code).

Look... if you’re NOT happy with the growth of your business or it’s not growing as fast as you want – and you don’t have the time or the expertise to dedicate to it – THIS IS FOR YOU.

And we’ve made it very easy for you...

We’ve created a video presentation to show you everything included in the BGS Vault and how you can benefit from it. For more details, simply enter your name and e-mail address in the boxes on the right of this page and watch the video.

So how do you know if the BGS Vault is for you?

Well here are 12 reasons why you should at least take a look...

1.            If you’re not happy with the growth of your business.
2.            If you’re not acquiring as many new customers as you want or need.
3.            If you’d like to get many more word-of-mouth referrals from customers.
4.            If you want to easily win the right sort of customers at the right prices – or just better prices.
5.            If you’re frustrated with cut-price competition.
6.            If you don’t have the time to grow your business.
7.            If you’re losing too many customers and finding it hard to replace them.
8.            If you believe your existing customers should buy from you more frequently
9.            If you’ve tried several alternatives but they’ve all come up short.
10.          If you think you’ve ‘seen it all before’.
11.          If you want to clearly differentiate your business from ALL other competitors and become the ‘go to’ business.
12.          If you want to grow your business using the absolute minimum amount of time, effort and cost AND without the need to learn new skills.

So if any of these reasons apply to you, go and take a look. To get started, simply enter your name and e-mail address in the boxes on the right of this page and watch the free video presentation. Make sure you DOWNLOAD the final one page action plan and before you go, I’d like to thank you for taking the time to watch these tutorials over the last few days. We’ve given you some very powerful tools to help you grow your business. I hope you’ve enjoyed taking the course.

Good luck and let us know how you get on – we love hearing other people’s success stories. Thanks again for watching and note that as a client of this firm you can have immediate and free access to the Business Growth System Vault. It’s valued at over $6,000 per annum and to get access just contact the office today.

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Tel: +44 (0) 1928 508 894