JobKeeper 2.0 legislation was recently passed by parliament. The new bill included changes which will allow qualifying employers and legacy
employers to continue to access temporary Fair Work Act provisions for a further six months, until 28 March 2021.
Qualifying employers are those businesses who are eligible for JobKeeper. Legacy employers are businesses who
previously qualified for JobKeeper 1.0 but who are unable to qualify for JobKeeper 2.0 and have a certificate from an accountant stating
that they had suffered a 10% decline in turnover for the relevent test quarter.
These temporary Fair Work Act provisions enable qualifying employers and legacy employers to:
- change an eligible employee’s usual duties;
- change an eligible employee’s location of work;
- agree with an eligible employee to change their days and times of work; or
- reduce an eligible employee’s hours or days of work (including to no hours), in certain circumstances.
Currently, the Fair Work JobKeeper provisions also allow a qualifying employer to:
- request an eligible employee to take paid annual leave (as long as they keep a balance of at least two weeks); and
- agree in writing with an eligible employee for them to take annual leave at half pay for twice the length of time.
Please contact our office on (03) 5443 8888 or mgr@mgr.com.au if you require any further assistance in
relation to JobKeeper 2.0, obtaining a 10% decline in turnover certificate or any other matters.