To support Victorian businesses impacted by renewed and increased restrictions, one-off grants will be made available to eligible businesses under the Business Support Fund – Expansion program:
- $10,000 for employing businesses in metropolitan Melbourne and Mitchell Shire in recognition of spending longer under restrictions
- $5,000 for employing businesses in regional local government areas (except Mitchell Shire)
This program is in addition to the first round of the Business Support Fund, which closed on 1 June 2020. If you have already received a
Business Support Fund- Expansion grant, or have applied for one, you will not need to re-apply. Successful applicants will
automatically receive this additional allocation.
Updated guidelines and information will be provided by Business Victoria in the coming days.
What type of business can apply for this grant?
Businesses can apply where they meet all the criteria listed below. They must:
- be a participant in the Commonwealth Government’s JobKeeper Payment scheme
- employ people
- be registered with WorkSafe on 30 June 2020
- have an annual payroll of less than $3 million in 2019-20 on an ungrouped basis
- be registered for Goods and Services Tax (GST) as at 30 June 2020
- hold an Australian Business Number (ABN) and have held that ABN at 30 June 2020
- be registered with the responsible Federal or State regulator.
Businesses that have received funding from other components of the Victorian Government’s Economic Survival Package are eligible to apply
for this program.
Business owners that do not employ people (non-employing businesses) are not eligible for funding through this program. Employing businesses
must provide their WorkCover Employer Number in the application form for verification.
How can the funding be used?
Grant funds, for example, may be used to assist the business with:
- meeting business costs, including utilities, salaries or rent
- seeking financial, legal or other advice to support business continuity planning
- developing the business through marketing and communications activities
- any other supporting activities related to the operation of the business.
We at MGR are here to provide you with professional advice and assistance relating to all COVID-19 economic measures and stimulus support.
Our expert team of accountants can help guide you through this process, so you are confident you are doing everything right for your
business and employees.
Call us today on (03) 5443 8888 or email us at mgr@mgr.com.au